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Minggu, 21 Februari 2016

What the?

What the hell are you doing now?
At least i know the reason why you dont give any "congratulate" saying to me. It seems like you're very busy, right?
But, don't you ever think, is that giving someone greeting or make such as "silaturhaim" by say hi is wasting your time? Hah, yeah right, i am not that important to you. I am nothing, right?
Congratulation with your thesis, with your romantic story with who the fuck she is, with your job, with everything that important to you, congratulation!

Hey! And what the hell i'm saying now?

Minggu, 14 Februari 2016


Jadi inget, dulu ada seseorang yang nanya ke sahabat aku kira-kira seperti ini "kenapa ya ayu baik banget sama aku, bela-belain gini gitu segala macem?"

Nuff said, there's always person who still nice to you, whatever you are, whatever you do, for a reason, yes for a reason that she/he doesn't even know.

Ah, masa remajaku kenapa terlalu begitu :')